Revision 6 as of 2007-06-27 01:13:40

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Blinkenshell has a "trust" from Quakenet, this is so that we can connect with more than five clients at the same time to their servers. It's very important to follow the rules and that we stay under the connection limit of a total of 25 connections to Quakenet. Also remember and respect the "one connection per network"-rule, this ofcourse also applies for Quakenet.

If you connect to Quakenet via Blinkenshell, you are required to hang around in the channel #blinkenshell @ Quakenet. If I find anyone connected to Quakenet without joining this channel, I terminate the connecting program on sight. If it occurs repeated times without the user doing anything about it and disregards warnings, the account will be permanently closed.

  • ["CategoryIRCNetwork"]