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Diff for "Links"

Differences between revisions 2 and 18 (spanning 16 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2006-08-01 12:35:42
Size: 448
Revision 18 as of 2008-02-15 01:07:19
Size: 649
Editor: 2
Comment: opxpkl
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= Links =
 * http://www.shellsnet.org/ - Network for shell users
 * http://www.ductape.net/~mitja/freeunix.shtml - List of free shell providers
 * http://www.irssi.org/documentation/startup - Startup HOWTO for the irssi IRC client.
 * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_account - Short introduction to shell accounts and some more links.
 * http://konst.org.ua/centericq/ - Textbased IM client installed on the server (MSN, ICQ, AIM, Yahoo).
http://fuck-17-533.emauntoz.net http://girl-57-218.fargis.net http://girl-4-669.fargis.net http://glory-hole-242.emauntoz.net http://dick-11-471.emauntoz.net http://nude-7-150.ferrow.net http://escort-21-809.emauntoz.net http://lingerie-2-807.endomone.net http://gay-53-478.endomone.net http://nude-50-110.ferrow.net http://naked-22-229.ferrow.net http://gay-18-799.endomone.net http://latex-5-591.endomone.net http://girl-40-714.fargis.net http://girl-33-238.fargis.net http://anal-11-507.ermox.net http://hairy-1-470.emauntoz.net http://gay-45-611.endomone.net http://nude-64-173.ferrow.net