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You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is empty, we derive the page name from the file name.

File to load page content from
Page name
Blinkenshell IRCd listen port?

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Work in progress

To use mutt for your email client with the blinkenshell email server here is a minimal ~/.muttrc that will work. Consider this just a starting point,there are many other options you can set (see man mutt and man muttrc).

Note: Your triton ~/.forward must not exist, or not have a forwarding address in it. Otherwise emails sent to you will be forwarded rather than collected on the server.

Note: Mutt can't write files to /tmp on Triton, therefore you have to create your own ~/tmp directory and configure it in .muttrc:

# the tmpdir line probably will not be needed unless you are running mutt on triton
set tmpdir = ~/tmp

# imap: (to read emails)
set spoolfile = 'imap://yourusername:yourpassword@mail.blinkenshell.org:143/INBOX'
set folder = 'imap://mail.blinkenshell.org/INBOX'

#smtp: (to send emails)
set envelope_from_address = 'yourusername@blinkenshell.org'
set use_envelope_from = yes

# use the following line if you are running mutt on triton:
set smtp_url = 'smtp://yourusername:yourpassword@mail.blinkenshell.org'

# use this line if you are using mutt from another computer outside of the blinkenshell network:
#set smtp_url = 'smtp://yourusername:yourpassword@mail.blinkenshell.org:587'